Your configuration determines whether users can log in with an email address or with a username (with either method, the user also needs to enter a password). Having users log in with an email address is recommended, since users can generally recall their email address more easily than an administrator-assigned username.
If your previous configuration required users to log in with a username, you can switch to using an email address by choosing the email address option. You are prompted to confirm this change when you save the configuration. You are also notified if any user accounts do not have email addresses, or if more than one account has the same email address, and are given the option to download a list of these users for manual correction. Once you have resolved these issues, you can choose the email address option again and save the configuration change.
Important: Choosing the email address option will over-write any existing usernames. If you want to save the usernames previously assigned to users, run the Users List report and export it to CSV. If at some point you choose to switch back to using usernames, you can import this CSV to restore the usernames.
Choose the appropriate client or your own organization.
In the Settings screen, from the Edit
menu choose Accounts and Access.
You see a
new set of fields.
Choose whether this client is Enabled (users cannot login to a disabled client).
Optionally, specify the date on which the client access expires. Once the expiry date is reached, an organization's users are no longer able to login.
Choose whether users identify themselves at login by entering an email address (recommended) or a username and, if a username, specify its minimum length.
Specify the Minimum Length for passwords. These limits will be applied when the user account is created or a password is changed. Generally, the longer the password length, the more secure the user passwords will be.
Note: A minimum length of eight characters is recommended. Advise users to use a combination of letters, digits, and symbols in their passwords.
Optionally, choose the appropriate Password Complexity (choices configurable by your service provider).
Optionally, choose a Password Expiry time period. When a password expires, at next login the user is prompted to create a new one.
Optionally, set a limit on the number of Concurrent Users this client can have. Once the limit is reached, no additional users will be able to login. Note that this number refers to distinct users: if the same user logs in using more than one session, that will be counted as only a single user.
If appropriate, check Allow AICC access to content and, for debugging purposes, check Log all access.
Note: Be sure you have reviewed and understand the requirements of AICC access section before enabling it. Only turn on AICC logging when necessary for debugging AICC issues. Leaving logging on when many users are accessing the external system can slow down AICC access.
Note: Values apply only to usernames and passwords created or changed from this point on.