Editing Assignments

You can edit either assignments you created yourself or those that the LMS created when you gave users access to specific learning activities.

Note: If your edits remove a user's access to a learning activity, that learning activity is automatically removed from the user's training plan, even if the activity is already in progress.

  1. Choose the appropriate client or your own organization.

  2. Click Content (tab), then Assignments (menu).
    You see a list of the current assignments, who created them, and when they were created.

  3. Click the assignment name.
    You see information about the assignment.

  4. Click Edit assignment.
    If the assignment was LMS-created, you see a list of the users who have access to this learning activity. Modify the list, click Next, and save the edits.
    If the assignment was manually created, you see the same screen you saw when creating that assignment. Make the necessary changes and save the edits.

Note: You can also edit an assignment by clicking on its name in the learning activity's list of assignments (from the learning activity's details screen; click the Assignments link). You can also edit it by clicking on its name in the user account's training plan details.