Setting Presentation Settings for Tests, Quizzes and Assessments

Presentation settings determine the time limit for an item and what navigation options are offered by the LMS (such as whether to display an exit link). The availability of some options depends on how assessment parameters have been configured.

  1. Choose the appropriate client or your own organization.

  2. Open the activity detail screen. for the test, quiz, or assessment.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. From the Edit menu, choose Presentation.
    You see the Presentation Options screen.

  5. If the user is to have a limited time to complete the item, enter a Time Limit, in minutes.

  6. Note: Time limits are enforced by the interactive learning content: set this only if your content uses this parameter, as is the case for assessments.

  7. Choose whether the assessment should display questions from the entire course or only from the pool of questions associated with the sections of the course. This option is relevant only if items have been deleted from the activity after loading.
    For Example

  8. Choose whether the attempt to complete the test can be suspended and resumed later. If this option is not selected, the user must complete their attempt in a single session, although they will be able to resume their attempt if they encounter a technical problem such as loss of connectivity, as long as they login before the session times out.

  9. Choose whether questions must be answered in order, with a single attempt at each question.

  10. Choose which forms of immediate feedback should be given (hint, response, or solution).

  11. For assessments only, choose whether the user can pick the questions to be answered from a menu (Random access) or must answer questions in the order presented (Sequential).

  12. Choose what information to display on the "end of item" report.

  13. Click Save Changes.


To set presentation options for multiple tests, quizzes, or assessments:

  1. Choose the appropriate client or your own organization.

  2. Click Content (tab), then Activities (menu).

  3. Check each of the activities for which you want to set presentation options or check the checkbox in the header to check all listed activities.

  4. From the Select Operation menu at the bottom of the screen, choose Presentation and click Go.
    You see the Presentation screen.

  5. Choose the Type of item to which the presentation settings should apply and specify the appropriate settings.

  6. Click Save Changes. The presentation settings are changed for all items of the selected type in all the selected activities.