The fields that a user account can contain for a specific organization have been defined for you. Not all fields are visible in all views: for example, some fields are visible when you create the account but not visible to a user creating an account, while some are valid only when importing.
By default, user accounts contain:
username (required)
password/password confirmation (required)
first and last name (required)
email address (required)
residence, business, and mobile phone numbers (three separate fields, all optional)
postal address
job title, location, department (if used)
preferred language (can be used to assign content to users based on their language).
account status
password expiry
Be aware of the required information. In particular, if you plan to
make use of locations, departments, and/or job titles, be sure to enter
values for those items in the user's record, or have your system provider
configure these to be required fields so that they are consistently entered.
Give Me An Example
For a user to receive emails from the LMS (used for a variety of automated system processes, including verifying user identity, communicating account information, and performing password recovery), their account needs to contain a valid email address.
The functions available to a user and the scope of information they can see depends on the user role assigned to their account.
If you will be using the optional membership feature, you may need to give users an initial membership, unless membership has been configured to be provided when users meet specific global objectives.
If the organization uses certifications, you may want to update users to note their current certifications. Note that you can also configure certifications to be granted to users when they meet specific global objectives.