Configuring General Settings

  1. Choose the appropriate client or your own organization.

  2. In the Settings screen, from the Edit menu choose General Settings.
    You see a new set of fields.

  3. Enter a Client ID (this must be unique within the system), typically a shortened version of the organization's name, or an acronym for the organization. This ID is used as part of the URL for accessing the LMS, so use a simple string made up of alphabetic and numeric characters (not special characters such as &, ?, spaces or any other punctuation characters). The login URL users will use to access the LMS appears below the client ID.

    Note: Users who access the LMS using the URL will not be prompted to enter a Client ID when they login.
    Note: The LMS supports the use of custom URLs: contact your service provider to have a custom URL set up for your account.

  4. Enter the organization's Name. This is used internally to identify the organization: if you do not specify a logo, this name appears in the banner of LMS screens.

  5. Enter an Identifier for the organization.

  6. Enter an Application Name for the LMS. This is the name used to identify the system to users. It appears in the browser’s title bar and may be used in emails sent from the LMS.

  7. Optionally, upload a logo (suggested size is 140-200 pixels wide, 40-60 pixels high; must be GIF, JPG, or PNG format) to appear in the banner of LMS screens. If you do not upload a logo, the organization's name appears in its place.

  8. Optionally, specify whether this company can add clients.

  9. Enable or disable the optional functionality you want to use:

Note: All optional functionality is disabled by default for a new client.

  1. Click Save Changes.

We recommend you give careful thought to which functions you choose to enable. Typically, enabling a function causes additional data or other fields to appear and additional functionality to become available. If you disable a function once it has been enabled, data gathered to support that function (for example, job titles of users) will be retained and, where relevant (such as for content assignment rules) will continue to be used. However, since the necessary data entry fields will not appear on the screens, any new data will not be captured. This can lead to inconsistent results.