Configuring Certifications


  1. Choose the appropriate client or your own organization.

  2. Click Configuration (tab), then Certifications (menu).
    You see a list of existing
    certifications, with the number of levels and users associated with each.

  3. Click Add certification.

    You see a new screen.

  4. Enter a Name, Description, and Identifier for the certification.

  5. If this is a one-time certification, go to the next step.
    If this is an on-going certification, enter the number of months the certification is valid for. You can either specify that the recertification never expires, or the length of time the recertification is valid for.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Certification Levels

By default, each certification has a single level (Level 1). To change the name of this level and/or add levels:

  1. Choose the appropriate client or your own organization.

  2. Click Configuration (tab), then Certifications (menu).

  3. Click on the certification name to which you want to add a level.
    You see details of the certification, including duration, and levels.

  4. To modify a level's name or duration, click the level name.
    - or -
    To add a level, click Add a level.

  5. Enter (or modify) the Level name and Description.

  6. Click Add New Level.